After a long wait and lots of troubles porting C6 Firmware to 523x phones, PNHT with the help of Hyperx, betatesters and community members were finally able to make this port possible
This firmware will be available for 523x variants with latest version. Users with lower version will have to upgrade !
- Widgets HomeScreen with access to latest widgets from Nokia/Ovi
- New browser/PhotoViewer
- New email app
- Full like C6 original with QuickOffice and Adobe Reader removed
- TTS fully working
- Ovi Store and Ovi Sync Fully working
- Maps 3.04 Original
- New Fully Working Language Packs (Arabic, Farsi, Thai ...)
- Prehacked using patched installserver
- ...
What's Next?
Chinese Users: A special C6 build is necessary for you. I will be doing this as soon as i finish the porting to all phones.
How to use this CFW:
1. Download the appropriate version for you phone basing on the correct model and variant (RM-xx)
2. If you plan to add your language, download the language pack from HERE and follow the steps
3. Download and extract the Camera Fix file. Then copy its content to ROFS2\resource\apps. This step is only necessary if you add another language. You need to perform it After importing the language, not before!
4. Copy the provided FW directory to you Products folder (See tutorial) and flash using JAF. Warning: ROFS3 file mustn't be in the FW directory. If this file exists, delete it!
C6 V20.0.041 for 5230 RM-588 V21.6.5
C6 V20.0.041 for 5230 RM-593 V20.8.7
C6 V20.0.041 for 5230 RM-594 V21.8.5
C6 V20.0.041 for 5230 RM-629 V21.8.5
C6 V20.0.041 for 5528/5232/5233 RM-625 21.1.102
5230 RM-588 V21.0.4 users: The latest version for your phone is V21.6.5. I retrieved it using Navifirm. You shouldn't care anymore about your original phone version if you upgrade since it won't change a thing because we are using C6 V20 instead
Camera Fix
Warning! Read Carefully
- Don't Swap ROFS2 files between different phone variants. This will kill your phone!
- Don't flash using a higher version if you plan to revert back to an older version!
- Favorite contacts:Copy your old contacts to SIM, then Soft reset your phone. After that, copy from SIM to phone. It should work fine
- Before nagging about a bug, use the Search function and see if there is a solution. If not, post your bug in the forum.
- The FWs have been betatested on RM-588 and RM-625. If you encounter a bug on these versions, or other variants, report them here
- There is no way to remove themes that are in CORE. Don't waste your time asking about that.
Please don't mirror this entire post with the download links! If you do mirror, point the download links to our website (
Thanks to:
HyperX, 008Rohit, Dan-av, Mexlamri, ashwinparakas, shadowninty, LPHS and everyone who helped with this port
Thank's For PNHT
nihh.. ScreenShootnya
punya ane 5230v21.0.004 gimana gan ada saran ga? bisa ga pake ini?
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