
CFW C6 Typo^2 Edition For 5230/5528/5232/5233/5800 By Asvan

* Added 3D Browser on Gallery Photo,Added Ttpod on Music Player,Gallery Mod ( Gallery will not mix up pictures and videos ),4 Row qwerty Keyboard,Added 5 New cool Themes,New Theme Effects,Swipe To Unlock Change to Red,New Font,Music Player (HS) Change to ''Play Typo^2'',Full N8 Icons By Binh24 More C Space 76MB,Bt Name Change To '''Nokia C6 Typo^2 Edition''',Camera Ram Mod,Restart Power Button, And many more..

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Angry Birds for PC by Ameya Shelar

Hai semua. Dari pada kita kecewa karena Angry Birds tidak bisa dimainkan di s60v5, khusus cuma untuk Symbian^3 dan Iphone/Ipod Touch.Tetapi saya punya penangkalnya... yaitu Angry Birds For PC.. yg paling penting ini Full Versi donk... 100% tested n' Worked By Me. Dari pada gag pernah main Angry Birds sama sekali?hehe :P

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Tutorial Flashing Untuk Nokia s60v5 ( 5230,5530,5800,5233,5235,X6,C6,N97/Mini)

Mungkin tutorial ini sudah tidak asing lagi buat teman-teman yang sudah ahli dalam mooding/oprek Telepon. Tujuan saya disini hanya memberikan sebuah tutorial buat teman-teman yang belum mengerti dan ingin meng update/Upgrade FWxx ke FWxx dg mudah. Sudah banyak site/blog yang menyediakan semacam ini, tapi saya akan memberikan tutorial yang sedikit berbeda dengan yg lain. Ok cukup basa-basi, langsung menuju ke TKP :D

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[UPDATE] Ovi Maps v3.06

# New! Support for Foursquare and Qype! – check in to Foursquare as you check in with us and share where you’re at and what you’re up to on your favourite social networks. Our list keeps growing! You may need to match the place on Ovi for us to the corresponding one on Foursquare or Qype, but we’ll remember that link. Next time you check into the same place you won’t have to do that anymore. # New! Adding a public place - you’re one Check in away from becoming ....

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The word’s best Nokia concept phones

When you think of concept phones, you think technological prowess, ungainly good looks and a generous helping of awesomeness. This is the perfect excuse to pull together what we consider to be the top 5 Nokia concept phones in the world.

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Alternative Link : symbianloversblog.blogspot.com

CFW C6 unleashedv2 for Nokia 5230,5233,5800,5530 all RM's

Quote from PNHT:

- Don't flash using a higher version if you plan to revert back to an older version!

- Favourite contacts: Copy your old contacts to SIM/Memory Card, then Soft reset your phone. After that, copy from SIM/ Memory Card to phone. It should work fine.

- There is no way to remove themes that are in CORE. Don't waste your time asking about that.

>>Guide for Flashing your phone<<

download the c6 port to your phone by pnht (c6 v20)
according to ur RM ver
download it from here c6 fw
5530 and 5800 users have to download the c6 v11 port files...
Make sure u have Nokia PC suite as it has the latest Nokia drivers..

1. Download the Flash Tools from here: Nokia Flash tools
2. Download the Original C6 FW files from the link given above.
3. The Flash tools consist of JAF, Pkey Emulator, Nok4models.ini, Patches (Patches is not required in this case)
4. Install JAF.
5. Copy the ini and pkey file to the jaf installation folder.
6. Copy your OG C6 fw files (downloaded above) to C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-xxx (C:\= Windows drive)
7. Now copy C6 Unleashed rofs2 file to the above folder and overwrite the original rofs2.
8. Connect ur phone in mass storage mode.
9. Delete the Sys, System, Private and resource folders from it.
10. Now switch off the phone and disconnet it from pc
11. Launch the Pkey emulator (NOTE: if u are using Win7 or Vista, then run it in compatibility mode of Win XP SP2 with Administrator privilege.)
12. Click on GO.
13. JAF will start slowly and will show an error- BOX DRIVER NOT INSTALLED. Click OK.
14. Click on BB5 tab.
15. Untick ‘CRT 308’
16. Tick ‘normal mode’, ‘manual flash’ and ‘dead usb’ then tick ‘USE INI’
17. Wait for abt 10 secs for the dialogue box to appear. Now select ur phone model number and its type. E.g. for 5233 select- RM-625 nokia 5233 cable 5800
18. Switch off the phone and connect it to the pc and leave it.
19. Click on the 'FLASH' button the top right corner of JAF window. Click 'YES'. JAF will say "PRESS POWER ON NOW! Searching for phone..."
20. Now press the phone's power button for 1 second so that JAF detects it. Do Not Hold the button!
21. Flashing takes approx. 1 minute and then JAF will say Done, after pooling the phone.
The phone will then restart.
22. Done

C6 v20 Based CFW by \LPHS/ N \YK/



Special thanks to Pnht Team
without whom this wud havent been possible

anshmiester..,yash...,devilyazdan...,008Rohit...., Upakul.....,giri....,Binh24...,
Rawand Kurdy....,DJNokia 5233...,PrakashKaran...,akks...,Simonator92...,



Splashscreen and Shutdown screen added

For Boot image:

Now you can add two image gifs with tones for Boot!  ;D
Just place ur files in E:\Boot.
Rename files as:
1st boot image: startup.gif 1st boot tone: startup.mp3
2nd boot image: startup 2.gif 2nd boot tone: startup 2.mp3
Shutdown image: shutdown.gif
Shutdown tone: shutdown.mp3
-N8 Smooth Kinetic Scrolling (Very Smooth, tested )
-Music HS changed (Renamed and modified)
-Custom Effects with modifications (Personally Created and Modified)
-Using Default N8 Icons
-3 additional shortcuts added to Homescreen. Now add more shortcuts! 
-Now C6 Button lights will gradually WITHOUT lags! 
-Green Lights while Charging ON


-Fast UI mod added for extremely fast phone!
-Optimized the fw for heavy loading, multi- tasking and gaming.
-Improved file system Caching
-System cache in C:\ itself for performance
-Enabled Caching in All Drives (Thank you 008Rohit!)

-Music Player Reads only E:\Music

Now Music Player won’t read all your ringtones. Just put all your music in E:\Music and refresh the library! 
-Video Capture rate improved for optimized Video capture!
-Resume download in Nokia Browser. Even on restart!

-Send Everything from Nokia Default Browser.

Now you can send .sis, .sisx, .jar, etc. files from Nokia’s File Manager! 
-Extra Sensor Settings, Tapping Controls added.

-Dialler auto-rotate disabled.

Now dialler won’t go landscape! Nor will the incoming call! 
-Optimized Battery and added custom mods for optimized battery.
-Super-Fast Screen Rotation (Enjoy the effects now!)
-Disabled Ovi Contacts
-Disabled Java Permission
-Added Audio Codecs
-Disabled FOTA (Get 5MB space in C:\)
-Improved Voice Recording Clarity!
-Browser Cache to E:\ (Saves C:\ space and also increases browser Cache)

Menu Mods:

Using LuziQ's 4X5 Menu Mod


-C6 Multi-language error fixed

-Messages lags removed!

Now scrolling thousands of messages won’t be a problem!
-Message Reader is completely working now!

-Camera Ram Mod added

Camera always eats-up Ram after one exits it. That is, it stays in background eating System Ram and slowing down the phone.
Now with this modification, this will never happen, saving ram so that you have the ram for yourself!
-C6 Lights fixed (Details above)

-Media Player Exits to HS

In C6, whenever Media player is closed, it exits into the menu. Now this will not happen due to this modification. 


-Conversations added! And also, Integrated into Messaging! 

-Messaging Details:
--Conversations added
--Sent items can now store up to 999 messages
--Full Character Support ON
--Delivery Report ON
--Reply VIA same centre OFF

-Call Settings:
--Call duration ON by default


Golden Field by IND190 (Default)
Original Nokia Themes


-Rompatcher+ (Autostart Enabled with No Startup note!   )

Show system files.rmp - Shows all system folder and files in C: and E:
Remove Red Recording LED.rmp - Removes the RED led that lights up during Video Recording
Record Tone OFF.rmp - Turns off call recorder beep during recording
Remove Show Open Apps - Removes the "Show Open Applications" tab from options menu
Block GPRS & WLAN.rmp - Blocks bluetooth and WLAN
Disable Logs.rmp - Disables LOG application
Lock Settings.rmp - Disables settings application
Lock Bluetooth.rmp - Locks the bluetooth
Lock USB data.rmp - Locks USB connectivity
Lock Installation.rmp - Prevents installing of any softwares
Activate Bass Effects.rmp - Activates the bass effects
c2z4bin THUMB.rmp - c2z like patch for binary files
12 months call log.rmp - Increases log period from 30days to 12months
LCD Light ON.rmp - Keeps the LCD backlight ON
Show typed Password.rmp - Shows the typed password instead of "*"
Show hidden options.rmp - Shows hidden options in options menu
Restart Power Button.rmp - Long press power Button to Restart device
Short Multi Tap.rmp - Decreases the waiting time between pressing of two keys
Global Note Fix.rmp - Removes all popup notes (Base patch)
Disable Enh Note.rmp - Disables enhancement connected' notes
Disable USSD Notes.rmp - Disable operator USSD notes
No Profile Switch Note.rmp - Removes the popup note which shows profile is changed
ReadCRoot.rmp - Shows all C: drive contents on default File Manager

-Kill ME (A very useful tool. Use this to clear Ram and boost up your phone! )

KillMe protected list:
-Kill me
-ScreenSnap App
All default apps used so virtually no apps removed..;D


Widgetizer [Use this to customize your Clean HS]
Opera Mini [Use this if you browse internet on your mobile]
Ovi Maps 3.06 [Download this if you use maps]
C2Z Maker [Use this to create c2z patch]
download the above apps here
Ravensoft Battery extender(Extend ur phone's battery life)
download Here


1)Remove the sys,system,private and resource folders from memory card
2)replace the original c6 v20 rofs2 with this rofs2
3)After flashing...wait for 15 second in the country selection screen
4)u have to manually turn autorotate on...

No need to patch the lang pack for english as it is already patched
so cam will work in english language

Get ur desired lang packs here
Lang packs

How to import a lang pack here
import a lang pack

then for patching the lang pack instruction here
how to patch lang

for more c6 mods go here
c6 mods

Download links
Go HERE to download
1)RM-625 C6 Unleashed
2)RM-588 C6 Unleashed
3)RM-504 C6 Unleashed
4)RM-356 C6 Unleashed
5)RM-629-C6 Unleashed
6)RM-594 C6 Unleashed
7)RM-428 C6 Unleashed


RM-356 and RM-504 users do not have File browser installed
is the sis installation


** Please Note: The Firmware is a ported version from Nokia C6. It is possible that it may contain bugs. Please post about bugs, if you find any, in the thread. Thank You**

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