
CFW C6 Typo^2 Edition For 5230/5528/5232/5233/5800 By Asvan

* Added 3D Browser on Gallery Photo,Added Ttpod on Music Player,Gallery Mod ( Gallery will not mix up pictures and videos ),4 Row qwerty Keyboard,Added 5 New cool Themes,New Theme Effects,Swipe To Unlock Change to Red,New Font,Music Player (HS) Change to ''Play Typo^2'',Full N8 Icons By Binh24 More C Space 76MB,Bt Name Change To '''Nokia C6 Typo^2 Edition''',Camera Ram Mod,Restart Power Button, And many more..

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Angry Birds for PC by Ameya Shelar

Hai semua. Dari pada kita kecewa karena Angry Birds tidak bisa dimainkan di s60v5, khusus cuma untuk Symbian^3 dan Iphone/Ipod Touch.Tetapi saya punya penangkalnya... yaitu Angry Birds For PC.. yg paling penting ini Full Versi donk... 100% tested n' Worked By Me. Dari pada gag pernah main Angry Birds sama sekali?hehe :P

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Tutorial Flashing Untuk Nokia s60v5 ( 5230,5530,5800,5233,5235,X6,C6,N97/Mini)

Mungkin tutorial ini sudah tidak asing lagi buat teman-teman yang sudah ahli dalam mooding/oprek Telepon. Tujuan saya disini hanya memberikan sebuah tutorial buat teman-teman yang belum mengerti dan ingin meng update/Upgrade FWxx ke FWxx dg mudah. Sudah banyak site/blog yang menyediakan semacam ini, tapi saya akan memberikan tutorial yang sedikit berbeda dengan yg lain. Ok cukup basa-basi, langsung menuju ke TKP :D

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[UPDATE] Ovi Maps v3.06

# New! Support for Foursquare and Qype! – check in to Foursquare as you check in with us and share where you’re at and what you’re up to on your favourite social networks. Our list keeps growing! You may need to match the place on Ovi for us to the corresponding one on Foursquare or Qype, but we’ll remember that link. Next time you check into the same place you won’t have to do that anymore. # New! Adding a public place - you’re one Check in away from becoming ....

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The word’s best Nokia concept phones

When you think of concept phones, you think technological prowess, ungainly good looks and a generous helping of awesomeness. This is the perfect excuse to pull together what we consider to be the top 5 Nokia concept phones in the world.

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Alternative Link : symbianloversblog.blogspot.com

Typo^2.5 Multilanguage Edition For 5230 RM 588 v40.6.3 By Asvan (With Symbian^3 Design)

Changelog :
More Battery Life! (2 Days)
New Center Text like S^3
New S^3Theme Effects
Based on FW v20.0.042
New Full Homescreen
New Splashscreen And Shutdown screen
New Font 
New Theme
Faster Then Typo^2
Gallery Mod ( Gallery will not mix up pictures and videos ) 
New Tap-To-Unlock 
Full Final N8 Icons By Binh24 (No More Dialer Bug)
Smoothest Kinetic Scrolling Ever! 
Real Hack!
3*4 Grid Menu
Free Bugs!!
And Many more...


      * Restart Option instead of "Lock Screen and Keys" in Power Menu
      * C5-03 Keyboard Layout added.
      * Camera Sound is disable
      * Display lights timeout and automatic keyguard time set to 30 seconds.'
      * Default bluetooth name : Nokia C6 Typo^2 Edition
      * FOTA server and chace is removed
      * Disabled vibration during Lock/ Unlock
      * Zero start up of background applications
      * RAM cache will Auto-optimize
      * Display rotation is OFF by default
      * Analog clock set as default.
      * Display light turns OFF and Phone gets locked in 30 seconds
      * Neon Fonts Used
      * PC/OVI Suite will detect phone as Nokia C6-00
      * Delivery Reports ON by default in Messaging
      * Theme effects are OFF by default
      * Removed "Check for Updates" in Device Updates
      * 'Summary after call' ON by default
      * 'Speed Dialling' ON by default
      * 'In call timer' OFF by default
      * Dialler landscape disabled.
      * Very Smooth Kinetic Scrolling
      * Lags in Messaging removed

      MEDIA :

      * Camera Image Quality improved
      * Camera will not leave in background
      * Camera can now zoom in/out with the volume keys
      * Video Capture frame rates increased
      * Voice recorder records upto 12 hours!
      * Voice recording quality set to highest!
      * Gallery searching is very fast now!
      * Gallery will not mix up pictures and videos
      * Nokia Photo Browser integrated in Photos Homescreeen
      * Integrated Nokia Photo Browser in the CFW
      * Share Online removed from Photos Homescreen
      * Music Player will read E:\Music\
      * Music player will refresh loads faster!!
      * Ovi Music removed from Music Homescreen
      * TTPod added to Music Homescreen!


      * Conversations integrated in Messaging
      * Sent Messages set to 999 by default
      * Delivery reports ON by default
      * Messaging lags removed


      * Nokia File Browser
      * ROMPatcher+ v2.6
      * Nokia PhotoBrowser
      * New BTSwitch
      * RAM Blow 1.3
      * TTPod v4 Beta 2
      * Nokia Notifications Widget
      * Battery Monitor Widget
      * Opera Mini v5.1
      * Zip Manager


      Ovi Store

      *Symbian Hacked
      * Numbers Red DI IND190
      * DigiFlowers By Pizero

      Before Flash!
      *tick on the factory set also with manual flash & dead usb when JAF
      *Detele system folder from memmory to best effect

      *For another user like 5800, 5530 and 5233... Try This Method http://forum.pnht.pl/showthread.php?...-amp-v40.6.003
      Download :

      FOR 5230 RM-588 V40.6.003 (3*4)
       Pass : www.symbianblog.co.tv

      Currently have 30 komentar:

      1. downloading......

      2. Downloading......

      3. Downloading......

      4. how to include the camera fix?

      5. hey do i need flash my nokia 5233 with this new core file or binh's will do

      6. ok shiiiipppp......... ^_^

      7. hope theres 4x4 grid menu..

      8. compatible witch 5800 ?

      9. Compatible with 5800 RM-356?

      10. @Mytho : yes .. use the method

      11. Udah di tes belum nih...???

      12. gan ttypod ane kuk gal keluar sich ??

      13. tolong saya mas,.
        ttpod di music playernya gak bisa jalan...
        gimana cara buat benerinnya??

      14. JAF version 1.98.62
        Detected PKEY: 90009699
        Card life counter: 99.99%
        P-key nokia module version 01.02
        USB Cable Driver version:
        Changing mode...Done!
        MCU Flash file: NONE
        PPM Flash file: NONE
        CNT Flash file: NONE
        APE Variant file: NONE
        Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
        Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\

        Searching for default location of ini...
        Checking path: \Products\RM-588\
        Searching for JAF saved location of ini...
        Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\
        Scanning ini files...
        Searching for default location of ini...
        Checking path: \Products\RM-588\
        Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\
        MCU Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.core.C00
        PPM Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.rofs2.V21
        CNT Flash file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_C01_prd.rofs3.fpsx
        APE Variant file: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM588_40.6.003_001_001_U001.uda.fpsx
        Backing up CRT...
        Detected P-KEY: 90009699
        P-key nokia module version 01.02
        Init usb communication...
        Failed to backup CRT...
        Detected P-KEY: 90009699
        P-key nokia module version 01.02
        Init usb communication...
        Searching for phone...Found
        No write data, skiping write...
        Sending RAW loader...
        Using Áµ-s012.005
        Elf2flash 09.11.000
        CMT RAW loader...
        Patching RAW boot step1...
        Patching RAW boot step2...
        Patching RAW boot step3...
        Sending RAW Loader...
        ....................Loader Sent!
        Stage 2 starting............PUBKEYS already sent...
        PUBKEYS already sent...
        ........Phone prepared OK!
        Waiting for the phone to boot...
        Searching for phone...
        Status byte: 8000
        Selecting CMT flash...
        Result: 0000
        Phone is in flash mode...
        CMT blocks: 619, APE blocks: 0
        Erasing cmt...
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.core.C00...
        Erasing cmt zone 00040000 - 00082FFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Erasing cmt zone 00083400 - 003FFFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Erasing cmt zone 00400000 - 007FFFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Erasing cmt zone 00800000 - 00D5FFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Erasing cmt zone 00D60000 - 09E5FFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Partition result: 0014
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.rofs2.V21...
        Erasing cmt zone 02EA0000 - 09D5FFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM588_40.6.003_001_001_U001.uda.fpsx...
        Erasing cmt zone 09E60000 - 0F47FFFF ... Erase result: 0000
        Send CMT CFG...

        Writing cmt...
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.core.C00...
        Sending CMT HASH for ADA
        Sending CMT HASH for KEYS
        Sending CMT HASH for PRIMAPP
        Sending CMT HASH for RAP3NAND
        Sending CMT HASH for PASUBTOC
        cmt->PAPUB_CERTIFICATE_DATA_BB5 block detected
        cmt->PAPUB_CERTIFICATE_DATA_BB5 block detected, sending...
        cmt->PAPUB keys already sent...
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS*UPDAPP
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS*ENO
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS*DSP0
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS*ISASW
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS+CORE
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS+ROFS1
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM-588_40.6.003_prd.rofs2.V21...
        Sending CMT HASH for SOS+ROFS2
        Write result 27: 1701
        Processing C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-588\RM588_40.6.003_001_001_U001.uda.fpsx...
        No write data, skiping write...
        Finishing CMT session...
        Restarting CMT...
        Pooling phone...
        MCUSW: V ICPR72_10w42.2
        (c) Nokia
        APESW: V 40.6.003
        VariantSW: V 40.6.003.BINH24
        Prodcode: 0585625
        Setting test mode...
        Setting FULL FACTORY...
        Operation took 0 minutes 5 seconds...

        MANTAPP ! !

      15. kok gak bisa gan....
        hp saya 5800 RM-356

      16. di 5800 RM-356 ku joj gak bisa gan...

      17. r this cfw support for my language? viet?
        hmmm i see this screenshot cfw is great thme, can you give me link to download? and who was make this theme?

        sorry my bad english

      18. Bro, ngerti caranya nginstall Qt 4.07(2) di 5230 ga...? step by step, please.
        Ane uda coba nginstall ngga jadi mulu, kalo uda gitu Qt-nya ngga bisa diuninstall,
        mohon petunjuknya...

      19. wah g bis startup 5230 aku....

      20. I want to install this on my Nokia 5230 RM-588,
        What files should I download,
        and how do I flash it?
        I know the flashing method,
        but what is with the New Core file and all?

      21. Great cfw love it .... very fast ... thank you for this CFw.
        when I swipe the HS the even the clock and profile disappear. Is this normal and is there a way to stop this. Please help

      22. very nice & very fast
        only one thing landscape mod open very late
        otherwise fantastic effort

      23. very nice made this cfw
        i really like it
        fast & smooth scrolling thanx

      24. gan keyboard landscape giamana kok gak ada?gmana cara nambahinnya

      25. MASS tolong donk yang buat 5233 cepetan rilis-nya udah g sabar nih, ^_^

      26. om admin mau tanya, bagus tribute atau typo 2.5 ini, thks b4 :)

      27. gan,, kasih tip's dong gimana cara nentuin versi file pelengkap,, biar kita2 ga bingung kalo mo donlod file pelengkapnya..
        btw . ikuan nyedot dulu ..
        makasih ya gan ...

      28. gan,,,cara masukin bahasa indo ke firmware ori dari 40.06.03 caranya gimana???
        tolongin ane gan :(

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