Firmware is based on v20.0.041 from C6-00, and new v52.0.007 Core for 5800. I've written a changelog too, but I suggest to flash it, to test how it works. I think that adding your language wouldn't be a problem for you, but you'll have to download Ovi Maps 3.06 10wk48 b01 and extract language files from it, then add to CFW.
The other thing is, that in 2001133D there are folders and files assigned to your own language. In my CFW are only for 01 and 27 (Eng and Pol), so you if you want to have fully translated main menu, you'll have to copy "matrixmenudata.dtd" from your own language files (some XX language code), and edit it in notepad, to add your translated text labels, like Navigation, Tools, Application etc.
I think is that's all I've had to say.
Forgot to mention, I don't like replies with question "How much free RAM is available?", because I think that Nokia use that ammount of RAM, which is needed for proper functionality. If you want to know these few digits, flash you phone.
Floral Edition Vcomm/No-Vcomm
- Music player updated to 15.2
- Voice commands are On/Off
- Added Ovi Maps 3.06 10wk48 b01 which has possibility to download full maps by WiFi
- Patch for smooth kinetic scrolling
- N8 icons
- Modified installserver by PNHT
- Three UI themes:
*1. Digiflowers by PiZero (With small mod; default theme)
*2. justBlack
*3. justWhite
- Rompatcher in autostart
- Deleted Ovi Contacts
- Keyboard lights are turned on
- Inbuilt applications: Supershot (for snapshots), Filebrowser
- Script which automatically copy open4all and installserver patch to C:\patches
- Fully working Text-To-Speech feature in English and Polish only
- Bluetooth name changed to 5800@C6-00
- Cache on memory card
- Little patch for closing Camera application
- Patch for less compression of taken photos
- Changed sms sound
- Changed Splashscreen
- Changed bootscreen (made by me) z dźwiękiem
- Ability to send "protected files" with File manager
- Reorganized menu
- Gallery modification, which hides folders connected with navigation programs like garmin and sygic
- Music player search music only in E:\Music, E:\Muzyka
- Some mixed theme effects
- Deleted Adobe Reader, and QuickOffice
- Mod which prevent creating file reserved.bin, so there is 4,75MB free space more
And here are files for it:
CORE + clean UDA + other files
ROFS2 with active voice commands
ROFS2 without voice commands
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