C6 v20 Based CFW by \LPHS/ N \YK/
Special thanks to Pnht Team
without whom this wud havent been possible
anshmiester..,yash...,devilyazdan...,008Rohit...., Upakul.....,giri....,Binh24...,
Rawand Kurdy....,DJNokia 5233...,PrakashKaran...,akks...,Simonator92...,


Note:All changelogs written below are only the updated ones .The rest of the modifications are the same as the previous one's..

-Theme effect modified--(by devilyazdan)
-All default themes are replaced
darkem Blue -----BoB_IND190
darkem Red -----RoB_IND190
darkem Purple----PoB_IND190
darkem Green----GoB_IND190
darkem Yellow----YoB 1.1_IND190
-New Splashscreen added--(made by me)

-CPU speed and fps rate are modified by me to increase battery life and in the same time provide speed

-Brigtness fix
Thnx to Dan-av

-Mediabar totally working now
-Menu rearranged
-ROM Patcher reads E:\patches
-the wierd Music gallery and photo gallery layout fixed

-BT Receiver
-BT Switch
-C2Z Maker
-Facebook Widget
-Music Player update from Nokia
-Music Explorer widget
-Nokia Battery Monitor
-Nokia_Situations Widget
-RAM Blow
-Kill Me

-Ovi Contacts
-My Nokia
1)Remove the sys,system,private,resource,thinkchange folders from memory card
1.)RM-629 C6 Unleashed Darkem
2.)RM-594 C6 Unleashed Darkem
3.)RM-593 C6 Unleashed Darkem
4.)RM-588 C6 Unleashed Darkem
5.)RM-625 C6 Unleashed Darkem
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